Covid alert raised to Level 4

A boy gets swabbed for a Covid-19 test at Poonsap community in Bangkok's Sai Mai district on Monday. Out of the 183 people tested, four were infected. (Photo: Apichit Jinakul)
A boy gets swabbed for a Covid-19 test at Poonsap community in Bangkok's Sai Mai district on Monday. Out of the 183 people tested, four were infected. (Photo: Apichit Jinakul)

The Public Health Ministry has raised its Covid-19 alert to Level 4 following a sharp increase in Omicron variant infections nationwide.

However, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) said that more lockdowns were unlikely.

The raised alert level came as the number of new infections, severe cases and deaths continue to rise, with authorities noting an increasing risk of infection among family members and close acquaintances as a result of activities such as dining out, playing sports, and attending wedding and funeral ceremonies.

People from at-risk groups -- including the elderly, those with underlying health conditions and the unvaccinated -- continue to account for most Covid-related deaths.

Under the new alert, people are encouraged to work from home, avoid non-essential inter-provincial travel, suspend overseas trips, close at-risk venues and avoid large gatherings.

The ministry had raised the alert to Level 4 in some red-zone provinces early last month. The alert will now apply to all provinces nationwide.

CCSA spokeswoman Apisamai Srirangson on Monday said from Wednesday, the CCSA will focus on the number of deaths and severe cases, rather than the spike in new cases.

"While the CCSA is unlikely to bring back lockdowns, Thailand still cannot afford to relax virus curbs in the same way as other countries have done. We have to come up with our own approach," Dr Apisamai said.

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  • account for: to be the explanation or cause of something - เป็นเหตุผลของ
  • alert: a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous - การเตือนให้ระวัง
  • alert level: the level at which authorities are prepared to deal with a danger -
  • approach: a way of doing or dealing with something; a particular way of doing something or thinking about something - การจัดการกับปัญหา วิธีการทำให้ถึงจุดหมาย
  • avoid: to stay away from; to not use - หลีกเลี่ยง
  • ceremony (noun): a formal public event - งานพิธี
  • curb (noun): something that controls and puts limits on something - สิ่งควบคุม, สิ่งจำกัด, สิ่งระงับ
  • encourage: to cause someone to want to do something - กระตุ้น ให้การสนับสนุน
  • essential: necessary - ที่จำเป็น
  • lockdown (noun): an official order to control the movement of people or vehicles because of a dangerous situation -
  • nationwide: throughout a whole country - ทั่วทั้งประเทศ
  • provincial (adj): related to "provinces" , the different parts of a country - ประจำจังหวัด, ส่วนท้องถิ่น
  • severe: very serious and unpleasant - รุนแรง
  • spike: a sudden increase - การพุ่งพรวดขึ้น
  • underlying (adj): important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly; existing under the surface of something else - ที่สำคัญและซ่อนอยู่, ที่อยู่ในตำแหน่งต่ำกว่า
  • unlikely: not expected to happen; probably won’t happen - ที่ไม่น่าจะเกิดขึ้น
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